Wednesday 30 March 2011

Our Neighbors

I know it's not fair to pick favorites, but I'm going to. We haven't met all of our neighbors yet, but so far my favorite neighbor is Snowy. She is a white donkey, and the loveliest, sweetest creature.
Look at her beautiful face!

Whenever we want to visit her we just have to call her name and she comes trotting over. We like to bring her apples and carrots. 

We have a bear in the neighborhood, who we have only spotted a couple of times, and one of our neighbors was telling us the bear got into the alpaca fence one day. Snowy herded up all the alpaca and brought them up close to the house and wouldn't let them leave until the bear was long gone. Seriously smart donkey!
These are the alpaca.
We like the alpaca, and love watching the deer. I just want to hug the deer, but they won't let us:)
Here are a couple of fawns. If you look close you can see their spots.

We also had a couple of horses in the neighborhood for a while. Two lived behind us, and could look right into our yard, and the other, Madison, lived with Snowy and the Alpaca. Madison is a beautiful horse, and could easily steal the show from Snowy, but I still love Snowy best.
For some reason we don't have a picture of Madison. This is one of the horses that lived behind us.
What a wonderful place to raise our kids!

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