Friday 2 December 2011


There seems to be a theme popping up in my life these days. Maybe it is just a trend in cyber space, but either way, it feels like a wake up call.

I follow a blog called Lil Blue Boo, written by Ashley. If you haven't heard of it, I strongly recommend checking it out. Not only does Ashley share awesome tutorials, make beautiful clothing, but she is also a very inspiring, strong women, with a great sense of humour. Recently she has been dealt some tough blows, which include losing her father, having a miscarriage, and discovering she has cancerous cells in her body, which led to an emergency hysterectomy. You can read more about her struggles on her blog. Through all of this, she has continued to keep a positive outlook, and recently wrote a post about Choosing Joy.

We have a choice in our lives, always. When faced with difficult times, we can make a choice to be happy or not. It's not always an easy choice, and I often forget that the choice is available to me. Our lives are a gift. Each moment we are here is precious, and we can choose to make the most of it. We CAN be happy.

While I have been following Ashley's updates, which are very detailed, and often amusing, I have also come across a video on TED and another article, with the same theme.

The article is called the Top Five Regrets of the Dying and you can read it here.

The video is Louie Shwarzberg: Nature. Beauty. Gratitude. This video brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it.

With Christmas around the corner, I am reminded that it isn't about running around, stressing myself, and my family out to make sure we spend lots of money on materialistic gifts for everyone. Making a gift together for a loved one, with love is much more valuable. Spending time with our families, laughing and eating good food, is what is most important to me. Taking the time to enjoy one anthers company, every moment we are together is more precious than any gift that could be purchased.

I want to make a conscious effort to Choose Joy. Not just today, but everyday, because it is a gift.

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