Wednesday 10 October 2012

KCWC Day 3

Remember these, from my inspiration board?

Source: via Jamie on Pinterest

Well I really wanted to try and duplicate them as best I could, because they are so awesome! Who doesn't love leggings on littles? I especially love them on my littlest, with his skinny little, tiny baby legs. I know he isn't a baby, but he is to me.

I have a ton of red heavy knit, perfect for warm cozy leggings. My aunt passed it on to me when she moved to the mainland. It's funny because I'm used to working with tiny amounts of fabric when I'm upcycling, and sometimes struggle with using particularly cool pieces. Deciding how to use them when I can only make one item. For some reason that's how I've been feeling with the red knit. There is so much of it, I can't decide. Plus I love everything to be one of a kind. Anyways, I'm weird that way.

The outfit. Upcycled raglan Tee. Pattern from Sewing for Boys. Leggings altered from Sew Liberated pattern.

A bit of detailing. It was difficult to capture on my fast moving 4 year old.

I apologize for the messy bedroom photos, but he would not let me take them anywhere else! Jude has been asking for a pair of red pants. I'm not sure if you are familiar with Bionicles, but Jude loves Bionicles, and his favourite is Ferno. Ferno is red. The photo right next to Jude's head is a photo where Rob photoshopped Jude's face onto Ferno's body. Jude was pretty excited to have new red pants. Also, he was building a Bionicle, and this is his after building dance/excitement!

I didn't get the zippers on, I just didn't have enough time to remove zippers from old jeans and then put them on the leggings, but I do have plans to add them in the future, hopefully the near future, but I can't make any promises.

So there we have it, Day 3 complete. Now Jas wants some red pants of his own, and refuses to get dressed until I make him an outfit. Oh dear! What have I started?!

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